Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Human Generator

Human Generator 
  Today when I went to class I saw a machine, it had to
light blobs on it, the first one was a LED blob and the
other one was a normal blob, I didn’t know what it was,
so I asked my teacher Mrs. Sharma and she said it was
a human generator. Mrs Sharma told us to sit in two lines
so we could all get a turn on it, so we all sat in two lines
to have a turn, when it was my turn, I stood up and
turned the wheel then the LED blobs lit up really quickly,
I was really amazed how it lit up so fast. Then I 
switched to the normals blob and turned the wheel,
it was hard to turn the wheel and slow to light up.
After we had our turns Mrs sharma told us some facts
about the human generator.      

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bike celebration Day

Today the whole middle syndicate was celebrating bike day, it
was after morning tea. The teachers that were there told us
to ride on the bikes twice only but it was important to wear a
helmet if you want a ride on the bikes. It was really fun on
the bikes, then we did some activities, like you can make you
own badge, you can decorate your bike and we also got a cup
of milo and one biscuit. The whole middle syndicate was
celebrating bike day because some people came from Mike
greerer real Estate and donated us 25 bikes, yes it is cool
that they did that we really appreciated it and said a really
big Thank you to them. At the end we all said Thank you and
to the Mike greerer real Estate people that came.
    These are some photos.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Filipe tohei

Today the kia toa syndicate went down to the hall to see Filipe tohei a famous
togan Artist  and his Artworks that he made by carving them. He explains himself
to the kia toa syndicate and show the artworks He made.   He goes to different
villages in the pacific cultures to see how they make there kinds of artworks.
This is some of the artworks Filipe made.